Monaco is made with a variety of alcohol types including spirits, wine and malt. Monaco originally started with premium spirits like vodka, tequila, rum, gin & cognac. We have since developed wine and malt based formulas in order to deliver full flavor & high impact drinks to be more available to our consumers across the United States.
Monaco canned cocktails are always 9% ABV.
Our spirit based formats offer the widest variety of flavors but our most popular and widely distributed flavors: Lime Crush, Blue Crush, Citrus Rush and Watermelon Crush can be found in select states in wine or malt based formats.
Monaco canned cocktails can be found in any grocery, convenience or liquor store depending on the state. We are always working to improve our distribution but if there is a store near you that wish you had Monaco in please contact us!
We always clearly call out the type of alcohol used on each product.
In addition to our spirit based formats we replicated our four most iconic flavors, Lime Crush, Citrus Rush, Blue Crush and Watermelon Crush in a wine based format to be more widely available to consumers after hearing feedback that consumers were not able to find their favorite flavors in convenient locations.
In addition to our spirit based formats we replicated our most iconic flavors; Lime Crush, Citrus Rush, Blue Crush and Watermelon crush in a malt based format to be more widely available to consumers after hearing feedback that consumers were not able to find their favorite flavors in convenient locations
Check out our product locator here.
Visit the Monaco Cocktails Product Information Page.